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Get Emails into NetSuite Fast

Ready to give your NetSuite a power boost with lightning-fast email integration?

In the fast-paced world of business communication, emails are your lifeblood.

However, the daily flood of messages can overwhelm and bring critical processes to a stand still.

Imagine seamlessly storing every email communication against customer records, creating a unified hub for your business insights.

Let's discover how you can do just that!

Join Workiro As We:

  • Demonstrate how to store emails and attachments against NetSuite records
  • Showcase the ease of creating trackable actions in NetSuite from Outlook
  • Discuss how to Improve customer and vendor relationships
Jason Ross
VP of Channels and Partnerships
Jason has 15 years of expertise in software engineering and data science to optimise channels, forge collaborations, and create innovative solutions.
Ben Oliver
Senior VP Of Strategy
Ben has over 20 years of experience in commercial software, proficient in technical, leadership, and business roles, enabling effective solution design, support, consultation, and implementation across diverse industries.